Image used with permission from Oẏateki Partnership

"Now that I've completed the program, I can create a business that improves lives through my design. The innovation I gained gives my ideas purpose. I have a chance to take my visions and my ideas further into the future. And I don't plan to miss it."

These are the words of Trinity, who recently completed a program through the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies's (SIIT) pawâcikêwikamik (‘a lodge supporting those who dream’) Innovation Collective, which empowers grassroots Indigenous entrepreneurship in Saskatchewan.

pawâcikêwikamik and SIIT are just one example of the innovations and solutions emerging from the Oẏateki Partnership. This unique partnership brings together the Gabriel Dumont Institute, SIIT, the University of Saskatchewan, and the Mastercard Foundation EleV Program, to transform education and employment systems in ways that will change the lives of Indigenous youth for the better.

Check out this powerful new video featuring the stories of three Indigenous young people, including Trinity, who have harnessed opportunities provided through Oẏateki to meet their goals and contribute to their communities.


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About the Mastercard Foundation

The Mastercard Foundation is a Canadian Foundation and one of the world's largest foundations, with a mission to advance education and financial inclusion. It works with visionary organizations to enable young people in Africa and in Indigenous communities in Canada to access dignified and fulfilling work. The Foundation was established in 2006 through the generosity of Mastercard when it became a public company. The Foundation is an independent organization and separate from the company. Its policies, operations and programs are determined by the Foundation's Board of Directors and leadership. For more information please visit

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